Travel and Outdoor Equipment Price Comparison > Cycling > MKS Sylvan Stream Pedals, Silver/Black

MKS Sylvan Stream Pedals, Silver/Black

MKS Sylvan Stream Pedals, Silver/Black

MKS Sylvan Stream Pedals, Silver/Black

MKS Sylvan Stream Pedals. -Similar cage to the Sylvan Touring but with a more streamlined shape for cornering clearance -Body dimensions: 75 x 60mm Item Specifications Color: Silver/Black Weight: 345g Intended Use: Road Material: Aluminum Pedal Spindle: 9/16 Material (Spindle): Chromoly Pedal Type: Cage

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MKS Sylvan Stream PedalMKS Sylvan Stream Pedal [more info...]£32.99AW Cycles

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Lighter and narrower than the popular Sylvan Tour, the Stream will be popular with commuters and touring cyclists alike.  Toe-clip compatible, the double sided Stream is finished in anodised black and has the usual high quality MKS bearings. [Full Details]
Mks Sylvan Stream PedalsMks Sylvan Stream Pedals [more info...]£37.99Wiggle

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Lighter and narrower than the popular Sylvan Tour the Stream will be popular with commuters and touring cyclists alike. Toe-clip compatible the double sided Stream is finished in anodized black and has the usual high quality MKS bearings. [Full Details]
Mks Sylvan Stream PedalsMks Sylvan Stream Pedals [more info...]£37.99Cyclestore

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Lighter and narrower than the popular Sylvan Tour the Stream will be popular with commuters and touring cyclists alike. Toe-clip compatible the double sided Stream is finished in anodized black and has the usual high quality MKS bearings. [Full Details]

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