Travel and Outdoor Equipment Price Comparison > Clothing > Smartwool UnisexTrekking Heavy Crew

Smartwool UnisexTrekking Heavy Crew

Smartwool UnisexTrekking Heavy Crew

Smartwool UnisexTrekking Heavy Crew

Designed for longer or colder excursions, these Expedition Trekking Heavy Socks from SmartWool have extra padding in the essential areas whilst still allowing your feet to remain comfortable.

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Smartwool Trekking Heavy Crew SocksSmartwool Trekking Heavy Crew Socks [more info...]£21.99Ellis Brigham

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extra insulation and good shock absorption make these perfect for serious hiking, long treks and heavy-laden backpacking. [Full Details]
Smartwool Trekking Heavy Crew SocksSmartwool Trekking Heavy Crew Socks [more info...]£21.99Ellis Brigham

More from Ellis Brigham
extra insulation and good shock absorption make these perfect for serious hiking, long treks and heavy-laden backpacking. [Full Details]
Smartwool Trekking Heavy Crew SocksSmartwool Trekking Heavy Crew Socks [more info...]£21.99Ellis Brigham

More from Ellis Brigham
extra insulation and good shock absorption make these perfect for serious hiking, long treks and heavy-laden backpacking. [Full Details]
Smartwool Trekking Heavy Crew SocksSmartwool Trekking Heavy Crew Socks [more info...]£21.99Ellis Brigham

More from Ellis Brigham
extra insulation and good shock absorption make these perfect for serious hiking, long treks and heavy-laden backpacking. [Full Details]

Prices and availability are correct at the time of publishing, but advertisers may change the details before we have time to update them.

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