Travel and Outdoor Equipment Price Comparison > Climbing > Monta Rosa New Classic

Monta Rosa New Classic

Monta Rosa New Classic

Monta Rosa New Classic

Ideal for UK winters the Monte Rosa flexible C1 walking crampon is suitable for use with many 3-4 season B1 walking boots. Made from anodized chromolly steel for durability they feature a simple strap and plastic cradle system, making fitting them quick and simple.Asymetric semi-rigid walking cramponAnti-balling plates included10 pointsNo-tools adjustment820g combined weightNew Classic binding3DRS Relief-stamped front points for extra security

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Monta Rosa New Classic CramponMonta Rosa New Classic Crampon [more info...]£100Cotswold Outdoor

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A lightweight, universal crampon. The Monta Rosa is designed to meet the classical demands of general mountaineering. The semi-rigid front points and asymmetric fit give it plenty of power, and the plastic cradle means these can be strapped on the go. The New Classic binding system is simple, reliable and easy.Included in the design are anti-balling plates which help to stop the build up of snow under the boot, which are great for winter walks and general ski tour use when you don't want to spend time shaking off your boots or digging out compacted snow every 5 minutes. [Full Details]
Monta Rosa New ClassicMonta Rosa New Classic [more info...]£100Snow and Rock

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Ideal for UK winters the Monte Rosa flexible C1 walking crampon is suitable for use with many 3-4 season B1 walking boots. Made from anodized chromolly steel for durability they feature a simple strap and plastic cradle system, making fitting them quick and simple.Asymetric semi-rigid walking cramponAnti-balling plates included10 pointsNo-tools adjustment820g combined weightNew Classic binding3DRS Relief-stamped front points for extra security [Full Details]

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Videos for "Monta Rosa New Classic"

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