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Cateye Velo 5 Computer

Cateye Velo 5 Computer

Cateye Velo 5 Computer

The Cateye Velo 5 is Cateye's entry-level computer. It features a new, larger screen and a large button for easy operation. Like all Cateye's computers, it is ultrasonically welded and highly water resistant so you never have to worry about being caught out in the rain. The universal bracket and sensor mounts allow the Velo 5 to easily be attached to nearly any handle bar and fork.

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CATEYE Velo 5 wired computer blackCATEYE Velo 5 wired computer black [more info...]£14.99AW Cycles

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Cateye Velo 5 Cycling ComputerThe Velo 5 is CatEye's entry-level computer. It features a new, larger screen and a large button for easy operation. Like all CatEye's computers, it is ultrasonically welded and highly water resistant. The universal bracket and sensor mounts allow the Velo 5 to mount nearly any handle bar and fork. Functions Current speed Maximum speed Total Distance Trip distance Clock Features Auto start/stop Auto power-saving mode Tire setting in inches and CM Speed Display up to 300 kph/185mph New tool free universal mount ( 22 to 32mm diameter)Specifications Handlebar mount size: 22-32mm Fork mount size: 11-55mm Battery: CR2032 [Full Details]
Cateye Velo 5 ComputerCateye Velo 5 Computer [more info...]£14.99Leisure Lakes Bikes

More from Leisure Lakes Bikes
The Cateye Velo 5 Computeris the perfect way to keep track of your riding progress to help improve your stamina and speed. The wired bike computer has a large and easy-to-read screen which is useful when you're riding so you can see your progress at a glance and the Cateye bike computer has a total of 5 features plus a clock! It measures your current speed, maximum speed, total distance, trip distance and maximum distance all in a small and convenient computer that is mounted easily onto your handlebars. Cateye's fantastic value for money computer has been kitted out with great features to make it easy-to-use while on the go. The Cateye Velo 5 Computerhas an auto stop/start and auto power-saving mode so you don't even need to think about it. The Velo 5 also has the tyre setting in inches and cm's as well as its speed display up to 300 kph/185mph so you can track your speed easily. Cateye Velo 5 ComputerFunctions Current speed Maximum speed Total distance (odometer) Trip distance Auto start/stop 12/24 hour clock Auto power saving mode Universal fitting Easy set up (tyre size) Speed display up to 185 mph [Full Details]
Cateye Velo 5 ComputerCateye Velo 5 Computer [more info...]£14.99Chain Reaction Cycles

More from Chain Reaction Cycles
The Cateye Velo 5 Computeris the perfect way to keep track of your riding progress to help improve your stamina and speed. The wired bike computer has a large and easy-to-read screen which is useful when you're riding so you can see your progress at a glance and the Cateye bike computer has a total of 5 features plus a clock! It measures your current speed, maximum speed, total distance, trip distance and maximum distance all in a small and convenient computer that is mounted easily onto your handlebars. Cateye's fantastic value for money computer has been kitted out with great features to make it easy-to-use while on the go. The Cateye Velo 5 Computerhas an auto stop/start and auto power-saving mode so you don't even need to think about it. The Velo 5 also has the tyre setting in inches and cm's as well as its speed display up to 300 kph/185mph so you can track your speed easily. Cateye Velo 5 ComputerFunctions Current speed Maximum speed Total distance (odometer) Trip distance Auto start/stop 12/24 hour clock Auto power saving mode Universal fitting Easy set up (tyre size) Speed display up to 185 mph [Full Details]
Cateye Velo 5 ComputerCateye Velo 5 Computer [more info...]£14.99Wiggle

More from Wiggle
The Cateye Velo 5 Computeris the perfect way to keep track of your riding progress to help improve your stamina and speed. The wired bike computer has a large and easy-to-read screen which is useful when you're riding so you can see your progress at a glance and the Cateye bike computer has a total of 5 features plus a clock! It measures your current speed, maximum speed, total distance, trip distance and maximum distance all in a small and convenient computer that is mounted easily onto your handlebars. Cateye's fantastic value for money computer has been kitted out with great features to make it easy-to-use while on the go. The Cateye Velo 5 Computerhas an auto stop/start and auto power-saving mode so you don't even need to think about it. The Velo 5 also has the tyre setting in inches and cm's as well as its speed display up to 300 kph/185mph so you can track your speed easily. Cateye Velo 5 ComputerFunctions Current speed Maximum speed Total distance (odometer) Trip distance Auto start/stop 12/24 hour clock Auto power saving mode Universal fitting Easy set up (tyre size) Speed display up to 185 mph [Full Details]
Cateye Velo 5 ComputerCateye Velo 5 Computer [more info...]£14.99Osprey Europe

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The Cateye Velo 5 Computeris the perfect way to keep track of your riding progress to help improve your stamina and speed. The wired bike computer has a large and easy-to-read screen which is useful when you're riding so you can see your progress at a glance and the Cateye bike computer has a total of 5 features plus a clock! It measures your current speed, maximum speed, total distance, trip distance and maximum distance all in a small and convenient computer that is mounted easily onto your handlebars. Cateye's fantastic value for money computer has been kitted out with great features to make it easy-to-use while on the go. The Cateye Velo 5 Computerhas an auto stop/start and auto power-saving mode so you don't even need to think about it. The Velo 5 also has the tyre setting in inches and cm's as well as its speed display up to 300 kph/185mph so you can track your speed easily. Cateye Velo 5 ComputerFunctions Current speed Maximum speed Total distance (odometer) Trip distance Auto start/stop 12/24 hour clock Auto power saving mode Universal fitting Easy set up (tyre size) Speed display up to 185 mph [Full Details]

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Setting Wheel and Clock CatEye Velo 5 Bike ComputerPlay buttonCatEye VELO 5 Bike Computer, How To Install and Measure WheelPlay buttonCatEye Velo 5 Bike Computer Intro with InstallPlay buttonMounting Wireless & Wired Cycling ComputersPlay buttonCatEye Velo 8 Bike Computer Wheel + Clock SetPlay button
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