Travel and Outdoor Equipment Price Comparison > Food > Science in Sport Go Energy Drink Powder - 1.6kg Tub

Science in Sport Go Energy Drink Powder - 1.6kg Tub

Science in Sport Go Energy Drink Powder - 1.6kg Tub

Science in Sport Go Energy Drink Powder - 1.6kg Tub

At Science in Sport they are dedicated to developing the best sports nutrition products to help endurance athletes perform at their best. Their range includes award winning gels, powders, bars and supplements, used by elite athletes around the world. SiS GO ENERGY utilises multiple energy sources to maximize energy supply to muscle and liver, and is light on the stomach so can be taken at high concentrations for maximum energy. Key Features: For carbohydrate loading, longer workouts or fast re-fuelling, When energy is your priority. SiS GO Energy is versatile enough to mix at high energy concentrations, whilst still being easy on the stomach. Before - for easy, low bulk carb loading. During - when you need fast, sustained energy. High grade maltodextrin provides glucose polymers which keep the energy high and the osmolality low. Fructose helps maximise energy delivery as it is absorbed using a different mechanism than glucose. Only natural flavours are used which give a clean refreshing taste. Available in Orange, Lemon and Blackcurrant flavour, or non-flavoured Original. 1.6kg Tubs. Please note: Previously known as PSP22.

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The Science in Sport GO Energy Fuel. Fuelis the complex carbohydrate energy fuel for high-energy performance. Available in a range of great tasting flavours and is ideal when energy requirement is high. TheSiS GO recovery fuelis made from a very high specification maltodextrin, which is over 98% glucose polymers. Perfect for long work outs, carbo loading or when you need that extra boost, this energy fuelis very versatile and can be used at high concentrations to give you the ultimate energy drink. A great choice for a fast and sustained energy boost, the Science In Sport energy drink represents excellent value for money and is ideal before, during and after exercise. Exerting a very low osmotic pressure even at high concentrations, this energy fuelis light on the stomach and very easy to drink. The mainstay of many athletes' nutritional strategy, SIS recovery drinks can be used to help load up prior to, during and post event and tastes great! Science in Sport GO Energy Fuel High energy Light on stomach Low osmolality Multiple energy sources - Maltodextrin and fructose Typical Ingredients: Maltodextrin (produced by partial hydrolysis of a special variety of maize, 98% glucose polymers), Fructose, Natural Flavour, Aspartame Original contains only Maltodextrin Typical Values per 100g serving Energy 1683kj/371kcal, Carbohydrate 99g, of which sugars 6g, Protein 0g, Fat 0g All Science in Sport products are manufactured in-house and are drug-free. " [Full Details]
Science in Sport Go Energy Fuel Blackcurrent 500gScience in Sport Go Energy Fuel Blackcurrent 500g [more info...]£35Chain Reaction Cycles

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The Science in Sport GO Energy Fuel. Fuelis the complex carbohydrate energy fuel for high-energy performance. Available in a range of great tasting flavours and is ideal when energy requirement is high. TheSiS GO recovery fuelis made from a very high specification maltodextrin, which is over 98% glucose polymers. Perfect for long work outs, carbo loading or when you need that extra boost, this energy fuelis very versatile and can be used at high concentrations to give you the ultimate energy drink. A great choice for a fast and sustained energy boost, the Science In Sport energy drink represents excellent value for money and is ideal before, during and after exercise. Exerting a very low osmotic pressure even at high concentrations, this energy fuelis light on the stomach and very easy to drink. The mainstay of many athletes' nutritional strategy, SIS recovery drinks can be used to help load up prior to, during and post event and tastes great! Science in Sport GO Energy Fuel High energy Light on stomach Low osmolality Multiple energy sources - Maltodextrin and fructose Typical Ingredients: Maltodextrin (produced by partial hydrolysis of a special variety of maize, 98% glucose polymers), Fructose, Natural Flavour, Aspartame Original contains only Maltodextrin Typical Values per 100g serving Energy 1683kj/371kcal, Carbohydrate 99g, of which sugars 6g, Protein 0g, Fat 0g All Science in Sport products are manufactured in-house and are drug-free. " [Full Details]
Science in Sport Go Energy Fuel Blackcurrent 500gScience in Sport Go Energy Fuel Blackcurrent 500g [more info...]£35Wiggle

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The Science in Sport GO Energy Fuel. Fuelis the complex carbohydrate energy fuel for high-energy performance. Available in a range of great tasting flavours and is ideal when energy requirement is high. TheSiS GO recovery fuelis made from a very high specification maltodextrin, which is over 98% glucose polymers. Perfect for long work outs, carbo loading or when you need that extra boost, this energy fuelis very versatile and can be used at high concentrations to give you the ultimate energy drink. A great choice for a fast and sustained energy boost, the Science In Sport energy drink represents excellent value for money and is ideal before, during and after exercise. Exerting a very low osmotic pressure even at high concentrations, this energy fuelis light on the stomach and very easy to drink. The mainstay of many athletes' nutritional strategy, SIS recovery drinks can be used to help load up prior to, during and post event and tastes great! Science in Sport GO Energy Fuel High energy Light on stomach Low osmolality Multiple energy sources - Maltodextrin and fructose Typical Ingredients: Maltodextrin (produced by partial hydrolysis of a special variety of maize, 98% glucose polymers), Fructose, Natural Flavour, Aspartame Original contains only Maltodextrin Typical Values per 100g serving Energy 1683kj/371kcal, Carbohydrate 99g, of which sugars 6g, Protein 0g, Fat 0g All Science in Sport products are manufactured in-house and are drug-free. " [Full Details]
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The Science in Sport GO Energy Fuel. Fuelis the complex carbohydrate energy fuel for high-energy performance. Available in a range of great tasting flavours and is ideal when energy requirement is high. TheSiS GO recovery fuelis made from a very high specification maltodextrin, which is over 98% glucose polymers. Perfect for long work outs, carbo loading or when you need that extra boost, this energy fuelis very versatile and can be used at high concentrations to give you the ultimate energy drink. A great choice for a fast and sustained energy boost, the Science In Sport energy drink represents excellent value for money and is ideal before, during and after exercise. Exerting a very low osmotic pressure even at high concentrations, this energy fuelis light on the stomach and very easy to drink. The mainstay of many athletes' nutritional strategy, SIS recovery drinks can be used to help load up prior to, during and post event and tastes great! Science in Sport GO Energy Fuel High energy Light on stomach Low osmolality Multiple energy sources - Maltodextrin and fructose Typical Ingredients: Maltodextrin (produced by partial hydrolysis of a special variety of maize, 98% glucose polymers), Fructose, Natural Flavour, Aspartame Original contains only Maltodextrin Typical Values per 100g serving Energy 1683kj/371kcal, Carbohydrate 99g, of which sugars 6g, Protein 0g, Fat 0g All Science in Sport products are manufactured in-house and are drug-free. " [Full Details]

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