Travel and Outdoor Equipment Price Comparison > Toiletries > Lifesystems Plug-In Mosquito Killer

Lifesystems Plug-In Mosquito Killer

Lifesystems Plug-In Mosquito Killer

Lifesystems Plug-In Mosquito Killer

Reduce the danger and irritation of mosquito bites at night with this plug-in unit. Each tablet lasts up to 10 hours. Includes 40 tablets, can take also take liquid refills.

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Lifesystems Plug-In Mosquito KillerLifesystems Plug-In Mosquito Killer [more info...]£8.99Ellis Brigham

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Reduce the danger and irritation of mosquito bites at night with this plug-in unit. each tablet lasts up to 10 hours. Includes 40 tablets, can take also take liquid refills. [Full Details]

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