Travel and Outdoor Equipment Price Comparison > Mountain Whistle

Mountain Whistle

Mountain Whistle

Mountain Whistle

The Mountain Whistle from Lifesystems is recommended by the Mountain Leader Training Board as an essential item to be carried in the hills

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Lifesystems Mountain WhistleLifesystems Mountain Whistle [more info...]£4Ellis Brigham

More from Ellis Brigham
The Mountain Whistle has an anodised body with a keyring attachment. It produces a loud, clear whistle and a single blast can reach 100 decibels. [Full Details]

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Videos for "Mountain Whistle"

LIFESYSTEMS MOUNTAIN WHISTLE 108db REVIEWPlay buttonWhistler Mountain Bike Park in 4KPlay buttonOzark Mountain Daredevils on Old Grey Whistle Test (1976) Full TV ShowPlay buttonSteam Whistle Echos in the MountainsPlay - Kid on the Mountain (Whistle)Play buttonLifesystems mountain whistle - blow for emergency help!Play buttonLifesystems mountain lite whistle - blow for emergency help!Play buttonGwizdek ratunkowy Lifesystems Mountain WhistlePlay buttonLifesystems survival whistle - loudest whistle on planet Earth.Play buttonLifesystems Mountain Survival Emergency Pack - First aid and Mountain survival in one.Play button
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